Great food, amazing service. Would absolutely recommend without hesitation.
Prateik Sharma
Nice decor restaurant, delicious dry aged beef and dessert.
Jamie Z
Definitely one of the best restaurants, if not the best, in Lantau at the moment. Fantastic food - credit to the chefs, and very friendly and attentive service. Managed really well by Sanjay who always makes sure that the customers are happy.
Colin C
Delicious Food
"Nam vehicula commodo pulvinar. Morbi vel luctus dui. Maecenas faucibus dignissim ante, et sollicitudin eros rutrum viverra."
Nicole Jones
"Sed cursus massa et rutrum sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis."
April Wilkinson
"Pellentesque facilisis ante vel dolor posuere, id sagittis eros laoreet. Sed a lacinia justo. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar lorem."